
Showing posts from November, 2022


01.09.2022 -  05.12.2022 Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Minor Project WEEK 1: During this week we were given the briefing about what Minor Project would be about. As I learned, we get to choose out of a variety of different projects to undertake for the rest of the semester. There was some where we collaborated with the business school and some where we worked with studios outside of the school. I decided to pick the Sang Guardians as it was the most interesting to me and focused on what my strength was - character design and concept art. WEEK 2: To further help us with starting our project, we learnt in depth to what design truly is. Design - as was explained - is a symbol or creation with the purpose of solving a problem. This is where we also began working more on the Miro board that compiled all our initial ideas and research. WEEK 3: We learned about empathy maps and how this would help advance us to reach our goal for the project. Person