
Showing posts from December, 2021


Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Video and Sound Production Project 3 LECTURES Week 12-14: Preparations for the final project. During these weeks, we could consult Mr. Martin about our ideas and our progress. We also had some classes to further our knowledge about editing audio. INSTRUCTIONS Final Project: Stop Motion Figure 1.0 Document containing ideas and storyboard For my final project, the first idea that came to mind that I wanted to explore was about littering. It's still a massive issue worldwide as people continue to trash their environment so I thought it would be perfect to make a stop motion surrounding it. Coming up with the plot and storyline was difficult because I had to keep in mind my own capabilities and available resources around me. Did I want to make it super complicated, or go simple? I went with simple as suggested by Mr. Martin. In fact, he encouraged it. My initial idea for the ending of the story was that the dog