
Showing posts from August, 2021


Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Video and Sound Production Project 2 LECTURES Week 3: This class taught us about plot segmentation and storytelling. How do we write a narrative properly and what is the difference between story and plot. We then did a small exercise where we watched a short film and dissected what the plot of the story is into bullet points. Week 4: We continued on to recap our previous lesson about plot and story. We then further discussed about 3 act structures - the beginning, middle, and end. The beginning would be the setup, the middle is where conflict or a confrontation occurs, and the ending is the resolution. Then we learned about sound in film such as speech and sound effects, as well as music and dubbing over videos. Week 5: In this class we learned about storyboarding and the process to how someone can storyboard a scene. There are so many different angles and shots that can be used. There are also some rules that need


25.08.2021 -  7.09.2021 (Week 1-3) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Video and Sound Production Task 1 LECTURES Week 1: For our first class we went through some slides detailing what our module would be about and what the projects are going to be in the future. We were also told what equipment to get for our first Week 2: We were introduced to the concept of different shots, framing and storyboarding such as Medium Shots or Close-up Shots. We watched several videos about the different ways to shoot a video and he asked us what type of shots were being used. Then we learnt about camera angles, whether it should be placed high and what it meant when it is positioned like that. Week 3: This class taught us about plot segmentation and storytelling. How do we write a narrative properly and what is the difference between story and plot. We then did a small exercise where we watched a short film and dissected what the plot of the story is into bullet po


23.08.2021 - 20.09.21 (Week 1 - 5) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Advanced Typography Task 1 LECTURES Week 1: Typographic Systems (23.08.2021) In the first week we simply went through the briefing of what advanced typography will be all about for the following weeks. Week 2: This week we only went through the previous week's exercises which were to attempt recreating the typographic systems in our own way. Mr Vinod gave each of us feedback in order to improve them for next week. Week 3: Continuing on from last week we looked through each other's typographic systems and Mr Vinod gave general feedback as well as specific feedback to most of the class. Afterwards we were briefed about what our next task would be which was to create a letterform out of a picture of our choice. Week 4: We submitted our traced and cleaned up letterforms from whatever pictures we have chosen and were given feedback about it. Then, Mr Vinod asked some students