
Showing posts from November, 2021


Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Interactive Design Final Project LECTURES Week 11-14: These classes were only utilized for consultations to do with coding our microsite design into an actual website and further help. FINAL PROJECT For our final, we had to code our microsite design into an actual functioning website as best we could. Figure 1.1 Landing page pdf Figure 1.2 Other pages pdf Figure 1.2 Folders of my pages I created all the folders that I planned to code into a website. Figure 1.3 Working on the website using Adobe Dreamweaver A screencap of my work done in Adobe Dreamweaver. Figure 1.4 Preview on Google Chrome Link to zip file on Google Drive


Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Interactive Design Project 2 LECTURES Week 6: This week we now had to plan out a website for ourselves, not to code at first but simply just the layout. We had to figure out who we were making it for and what keywords would fit said website. There were various sizes for different websites that worked best for certain monitors. There were also ways for places to host websites so it would be available for users to actually see and interact with. Week 7: For this class we just planned over what our microsite design would look like. Week 8: No class. Week 9: No class. Week 10: Mr. Tarmizi continued to teach us how Dreamweaver worked and other tips such as where to find icons for our potential microsite design. He taught us how to further use CSS. PROJECT 2: MICROSITE DESIGN Figure 1.0 Sketches for the site design For my website, I decided to create one targeted to people who cook for a living or simply just enjoy coo


Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Interactive Design Project1 LECTURES Week 1: For our first class, unfortunately our main teacher was not present yet to teach us but we had a substitute so that was fine. We had an introduction to HTML and different types of websites, learning about the pros and cons for each. There was a lot about the web that we were shown. Week 2: We did not have a class this week due to a public holiday but the recorded lecture provided by Group A introduced us to basics of HTML and what it was. We also learned about web standards. Week 3: In this class we were further taught about the basics of HTML and all the tips and tricks to do with them. There were formats and layouts we had to know about, such as for desktop or for mobile. Week 4: We were now introduced to CSS - or cascading style sheets. These were used to actually make a website look pretty and less boring. We learned about the pros and cons as well as how exactly CS


Week 14-15 Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Advanced Typography Final Compilation and Reflection Links Task 1A & 1B : Typographic Systems + Type and Play Task 2A & 2B : Key Artwork + Collaterals Task 3: Type Exploration and Application INSTRUCTIONS TASK 1A - TYPOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Figure 1.0 Axial system Figure 1.1 Bilateral System Figure 1.2 Dilatational System Figure 1.3 Grid System Figure 1.4 Modular System Figure 1.5 Radial System Figure 1.6 Random System Figure 1.7 Transitional System Figure 1.8 Final typographic systems pdf TASK 1B: TYPE & PLAY Part 1: Finding Type Figure 2.0 Finding letters in glass cracks (K, H, A, V) Figure 2.1 Final Type & Play part 1 Figure 2.2 Final 'K' Figure 2.3 Final 'H' Figure 2.4 Final 'V' Figure 2.5 Final 'A' Figure 2.6 Final type & play pdf Part 2: Type & Image Figure 2.7 Final type & play part 2 Figure 2.8 Final type & play part 2 pdf TASK 2A: K


18.10.2021 - (Week 9 - 13) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Advanced Typography Task 3 LECTURES Week 1: Typographic Systems (23.08.2021) In the first week we simply went through the briefing of what advanced typography will be all about for the following weeks. Week 2: This week we only went through the previous week's exercises which were to attempt recreating the typographic systems in our own way. Mr. Vinod gave each of us feedback in order to improve them for next week. Week 3: Continuing on from last week we looked through each other's typographic systems and Mr Vinod gave general feedback as well as specific feedback to most of the class. Afterwards we were briefed about what our next task would be which was to create a letterform out of a picture of our choice. Week 4: We submitted our traced and cleaned up letterforms from whatever pictures we have chosen and were given feedback about it. Then, Mr. Vinod asked some students to gi