Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Interactive Design


Week 1:
For our first class, unfortunately our main teacher was not present yet to teach us but we had a substitute so that was fine. We had an introduction to HTML and different types of websites, learning about the pros and cons for each. There was a lot about the web that we were shown.

Week 2:
We did not have a class this week due to a public holiday but the recorded lecture provided by Group A introduced us to basics of HTML and what it was. We also learned about web standards.

Week 3:
In this class we were further taught about the basics of HTML and all the tips and tricks to do with them. There were formats and layouts we had to know about, such as for desktop or for mobile.

Week 4:
We were now introduced to CSS - or cascading style sheets. These were used to actually make a website look pretty and less boring. We learned about the pros and cons as well as how exactly CSS was used in HTML.

Week 5:
We were introduced to Adobe Dreamweaver for this class. It looked very intimidating but Mr. Tarmizi was very good at explaining each step for us to understand. We learnt about the layout of the program and what tools it had to help create websites.


We were first tasked to create a simple html website about the hit game Among Us.

Figure 1.0 The coding behind the website

This is a screencap of what I wrote for my version of a potential website about the game.
Figure 1.1 Start of the website

Figure 1.2 More features of the website


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