01.04.2022 - 25.06.2022 Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Vehicle and Props Design LECTURES Week 1: We learned about the fundamentals and basics on how to draw out vehicles from scratch. References are very important! Week 2: We continued to learn about the basics of breaking down a vehicle to its most simple shapes. Week 3: Mr Kannan took a look at our sketches for some vehicles and gave feedback. He then explained what our first project was going to be like, having to choose a world and universe to design vehicles for and the process in doing so. Week 4: No class. Week 5: More feedback on our ongoing project sketches, teaching us on how to draw our vehicles in different perspectives by using the tools in the programs we use such as Photoshop. More thumbnailing and idea sketching. Week 6: We now learned about materials and textures and how to apply and paint them onto our vehicles for later on. The focus was on different types of metals. Week...