Typography (WEEK 8+9, TASK 3A)

18.05.2021 - 25.05.2021 (Week 8-9) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Typography Task 3A LECTURES Week 8 (18.05.2021) No lectures as it is independent learning week. Week 9 (25.05.2021) Going through feedback on the progress of our sketched out typeface designs. Some have already digitalized theirs, some haven't. Then Mr Vinod went onto Illustrator to show how we could improve our typefaces by explaining what spurs and contrast is. INSTRUCTIONS <iframe src="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LqQa0zW3DopdwY28bAweWtbh0tl_YqvC?usp=sharing"width="640"height="480"></iframe> Task 3A: Creating own typeface For this task we are meant to start creating our own typeface by using an existing one as a point of reference. We would need to study it's anatomical parts by deconstructing, but first sketches of our ideas need to be done. For the reference, I will be using the fonts 'Adobe Carlson Pro...