
Showing posts from May, 2021

Typography (WEEK 8+9, TASK 3A)

18.05.2021 - 25.05.2021 (Week 8-9) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Typography Task 3A LECTURES Week 8 (18.05.2021) No lectures as it is independent learning week. Week 9 (25.05.2021) Going through feedback on the progress of our sketched out typeface designs. Some have already digitalized theirs, some haven't. Then Mr Vinod went onto Illustrator to show how we could improve our typefaces by explaining what spurs and contrast is. INSTRUCTIONS <iframe src=""width="640"height="480"></iframe> Task 3A: Creating own typeface For this task we are meant to start creating our own typeface by using an existing one as a point of reference. We would need to study it's anatomical parts by deconstructing, but first sketches of our ideas need to be done. For the reference, I will be using the fonts 'Adobe Carlson Pro

Illustration and Visual Narrative (WEEK 5-9)

07.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 (Week 5 - Week 9) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Illustration and Visual Narrative Project 2 LECTURES Week 5: No class, the teacher let us have an extra day off to work on our assignments. Week 6: In this class we learned about perspective in composition. We also were briefed on our next assignment which was to create artwork based on a decisive moment in a piece of media of our choosing. Week 7: No class. Week 8: No class, independent learning week. INSTRUCTIONS <iframe src=""width="640"height="480"></iframe> Project 2: Decisive Moment For this project, as stated previously, we had to illustrate a decisive moment in whatever media we choose that leaves the viewer feeling hyped up in anticipation for the next scene. I decided to choose a moment in one of my favorite anime, Kimetsu no Yai


27.04.2021 - 11.05.21 (Week 5 - Week 7) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Typography Task 2 LECTURES Week 5 (27.04.2021) Went through feedback concerning our spreads, either by Mr Vinod providing us feedback or from breakout rooms. We were then briefed on our future project to do with creating our own typeface. Week 6 (04.05.2021) Continued with reviewing the spreads we have created and giving feedback. Then Mr Vinod viewed our portfolios to give us general feedback about it. Week 7 (11.05.2021) Final review of our spreads and feedback on it as well. Afterwards we were introduced to deconstruction of letters in order to proceed with our task to create our own typeface. He showed us the layout to present the typefaces. INSTRUCTIONS Task 2: Text Formatting Part 1: Kerning + Letter tracking Figure 1.7 Changing the kerning increments from 20 to 5 Figure 1.8 Kerning letters I chose to kern the letters N and a since they seem to be oddly far apart


17.05.2021 -  26.05.2021 (Week 8-9) Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media Design Principles Project 1 LECTURES Week 8: No lecture, independent learning week. Week 9: No class,  INSTRUCTIONS <iframe src=""width="640"height="480"></iframe> Week 8: Self portrait For this week, we were supposed to create our own self portrait that is supposed to be a reflection of who we are. At the start, I wasn't sure on what I wanted to do, but after watching the videos provided I began to gain ideas on what I wanted to incorporate into the portrait. Figure 1.0 'What is a Self-portrait?' Figure 1.1 Picture of myself I decided to use this photo of myself since it's the most recent one I had that didn't look so horrible. Taking selfies in a pandemic requires too much effort nowadays. This will be the reference as I continu