17.05.2021 -  26.05.2021 (Week 8-9)
Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Design Principles
Project 1


Week 8: No lecture, independent learning week.

Week 9: No class, 


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Week 8: Self portrait

For this week, we were supposed to create our own self portrait that is supposed to be a reflection of who we are. At the start, I wasn't sure on what I wanted to do, but after watching the videos provided I began to gain ideas on what I wanted to incorporate into the portrait.

Figure 1.0 'What is a Self-portrait?'

Figure 1.1 Picture of myself

I decided to use this photo of myself since it's the most recent one I had that didn't look so horrible. Taking selfies in a pandemic requires too much effort nowadays. This will be the reference as I continue along the project and see what I can add and edit to make this self portrait reflect who I am.

Figure 1.2 First concepts

One of my first ideas for the self portrait was to have half my face be done in a cartoony way. I would do this by drawing over the original photo and coloring it digitally. I decided to try out this idea because part of who I am is digital art, I enjoy drawing a lot and it became a passion of mine very quickly.

Figure 1.3 Examples of the #ToonMe Challenge

In fact the idea came from a trend that happened either last year or the years before that was called the '#ToonMe Challenge'. It's when you draw over a picture of yourself in your own or in a cartoony style. I thought this would be fun to recreate myself.

My next plan is to add in some of the principles I've learnt from all these weeks. Symbolism is pretty important here I believe, as I think it'd make it clear as to what's impacted me a lot in my life.

Figure 1.4 Progress

I planned to add lightning and fire for my portrait, since those two represent two of my most favorite characters of a popular anime that I'm currently obsessed with. It could also symbolize my drive and passion for my hobby which is digital art, since I draw almost daily, even if it isn't finished work.

Figure 1.5 Added lightning and fire

For the final touch I wanted to incorporate cats into it somehow since they are my most favorite animal, and all of my friends know this fact. But the canvas is already busy enough as it is so it was a bit of a challenge to add it in.

Figure 1.6 First attempt of adding cats

This idea was quickly removed since I felt that it didn't make the whole piece harmonize that well.

Figure 1.7 Final


Week 8:


Week 8:


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