24.05.2021 - 31.05.2021 (Week 9-10)
Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging


Week 9: We were introduced to After Effects and were taught about keyframes and animating. There were several ways to animate an object/image, such as scale (which is the size of the image), rotate and position.

Week 10: Mr Fauzi taught us more about digital photography, more specifically about exposure settings that help make our photographs look even more dynamic and interesting. Then we were taught about lens perspectives and what the difference was between a DSLR camera and smartphone. Each has it's own pros and cons, it all depends on whether we can afford it and make it work.


Week 9: We learnt about layers and composition in After Effects, as well as what keyframes were.

Week 10: We were taught about what the lighting do's and don'ts are to improve on our photography. He told us about his experience with working with lighting in his own photos. We were then shown some videos that could help us even further.


Week 9: By using after effects we were experimenting with moving images by using the tools on the program.

Week 10: We were introduced to what our final project was going to be like which was to animate a set of photographs that we have chosen or taken, called 'Self-Titled.'


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