31.09.2022 - 05.12.2022
Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Digital Matte Painting
Another small exercise we were told to do was simply put perspective lines over some chosen photographs. This is to help us in understanding perspective.
For the final outcome of Project 1, we had to render 3 of the initial blockouts we chose. I decided to use completely different landscapes for each to test my skill in painting different textures. Again, it was quite the challenge, as I don't often paint landscapes in digital form. My experience from doing it traditionally with paints helped a lot though. It was a very fun and even therapeutic project to complete and I am very happy with the results.
These would be the images I'll use for my matte painting. The base would be the purple mountainous landscape (4th image), while the elements added onto it would consist of various things from the other images.
Haura Laiqa Naznin / 0345050 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Digital Matte Painting
Week 1: Public Holiday
Week 2: Mr. Kannan gave us a basic rundown of what this module will focus on as well as explaining what exactly digital matte painting is. It's a method used in movies in scenarios where actors and producers are unable to travel to certain locations whether its dangerous, they didn't exist or they simply had no time.
Week 3: We focused on perspective for this lesson, taking a look at more examples as well as Mr. Kannan giving us feedback for the perspective grids we tried to place for our exercises.
Week 4: Today's lesson was a quick demonstration to do with Maya and 3d modelling.
Week 5: Our class was short, as we went through feedback regarding our exercises and progression with our first project.
Week 6: This week, we dived more deeply into lighting and how it worked among different surfaces. Shadows are formed differently depending on the shape of the object and how the light beams onto it. An example was shown in Maya.
Week 7-8: No class, as well as independent learning week.
Week 9-10: Feedback on our progression with our second project.
Week 11-12: More feedback, as well as a practical to showcase how to rendering a matte painting together alongside adding different elements from different sources.
Week 13-14: Finishing up with our second project with feedback given along the way.
Figure 1.0 Block-outs
One of the first exercises we had to do was block out several landscapes of our choice, but we weren't allowed to color-pick from the source. It was certainly a challenge having to eye all the different colours but also quite fun. It really trained me to be able to match tones as best as I could.
Figure 1.1 Perspective guidelines on photographs
Figure 1.2 Rendered mountain landscape
Figure 1.3 Rendered cloudy sky landscape
Figure 1.4 Rendered rocky cliff landscape
These would be the images I'll use for my matte painting. The base would be the purple mountainous landscape (4th image), while the elements added onto it would consist of various things from the other images.
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